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The Service of Carbon Information Disclosure

Under the increasing needs of products’ carbon footprint calculation, the basic ability to calculate and disclose carbon footprint has become the important communication tools for government and industry to achieve carbon reduction targets, to declare its corporate social responsibility and to market green product to the public. In 2013, Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has constructed product carbon footprint calculation platform to correspond to the industry’s need. EPA hopes the industry can increase their ability to calculate and disclose carbon footprint by accessing the platform which has the characteristic of convenience, timeliness, accuracy and integrity to get the information under the concept of sharing the information. This year, we develop the new task based on the basis of “106 annual carbon footprint disclosure of information services project work plan”, there are five points as follows: (1) Renew and construct the carbon emission factor by accessing Taiwan EPA’s EMS system, introducing or localizing from life cycle database of foreign countries and so on. (2) Promote product carbon footprint calculation platform, critical review procedure s and find the new users by attending ACFN conference, and holding illustration meeting. (3) Revise the critical review procedure by testing the new procedure with companies. (4) Asseing the possibility of operating product carbon footprint calculation platform. (5) Keep updating the functions related to the platform in order to not only make carbon footprint inventory procedure standardized and systematized but also lower the burden of calculating carbon footprint,verification and applying carbon label in every industry.
carbon footprint calculation service platform, carbon footprint database, data quality system, critical review process